Books that You Should Be Reading

There are thousands of books written by countless authors, but the below-mentioned books are what I have been reading currently or what I plan on reading. I am often looking for books to read and I find it helpful when others recommend to me what they have been reading. 

Here's to getting lost in a book! 

 1. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

    This is a short read and often used as a children's book. My aunt gifted me this book when I was about 5 years old. She said to read the book "until I was old and gray." For some reason throughout the years, I have held onto this one particular book. It wasn't until I began reading it to may own children that I grasped the meaning. I researched Shel Silverstein's reason for writing The Giving Tree and he stated that he really did not have a reason. He further noted that their was no underlying moral or hidden meaning to his book. In my opinion, he might not have intended for their to be any hidden underlying truths, but their are. Through my perspective as a child, this book was just about a boy and a tree, but as an adult the book reveals an entirely different point.  

2. The Oracle: Jubilean Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn

    Since 2011 Jonathan Cahn has written 6 books and 1 study guide detailing the deep mysteries of Scripture.   I am actually going to recommend all 7 because every book is Scripture based and is completely true. This book was published in 2019.
    The Oracle is about a man who keeps seeing visions and so the man seeks "the Oracle." Cahn reveals the mysteries through a narrative in each of his books, but the revelations are completely real and based in the Holy Scriptures. 

3. The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn 

    This book was Cahn's first book to be published. It was published in 2011 and highlights the verse Isaiah 9:10 throughout the entire book. He uses a parallel of the fall of the ancient Jewish people to the September 11, 2001 attacks. 

4. The Harbinger II by Jonathan Cahn

    Published in September 2020, Cahn reveals more in depth mysteries involving 9/11/01 and our current pandemic. 

5. The Mystery of the Shemitah by Jonathan Cahn

    Published in 2014

6. The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn

    Published in 2016

7. The Paradigm by Jonathan Cahn

    Published in 2017

Side note: I am currently in the middle of reading The Paradigm, but I have to say that it is just like the other Jonathan Cahn books that I have read- well worth the read. 

8. Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls

    My second grade teacher read this to me and I plan on reading this to my children. It is a chapter book and it will tug at your heartstrings.

9. The Box-Car Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner

    This is also a book that was read to me by one of my teachers in elementary school. This book made quite an impression on me. Warner went onto write a series in these books. 

10. What Would Jesus Eat by Dr. Don Colbert

This book was my guide on switching to the Mediterranean diet. Dr. Colbert is very knowledgeable about the Bible as well as the nutritional and medicinal values of food. Even if you are not interested in eating like Jesus did, Dr. Colbert delves out a healthy heaping of knowledge when it come to the food that we eat and what is actually in that food. 

11. The Way We Eat Now by Bee Wilson

Wilson looks at the way we eat now and compares it to how our grandparents ate. This book is very detailed and will make you think twice about what you are putting in your body.


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