Not So Typical New Year's Resolution Ideas

 1. Commit to reading the entire Bible in 1 year

    I downloaded the Olive Tree Bible App. It is free and the app offers a myriad of different ways to read the Bible. It also offers daily reminders and you can set those reminders to remind you a certain times of the day. Currently, I am reading the Bible in date or chronological order, but you can choose whichever you would prefer. 

2. Quit 1 bad habit- only 1

    I often think that we give ourselves this huge resolution list and by January 2, we are back to our old ways. Choosing one bad habit to admonish, such as nail biting (I'm sorry to say that this is mine), smoking, consuming too much alcohol (maybe limit yourself to 1 glass of wine at night), gossiping, negative self talk, etc. The list could go on and on, but choose only one bad habit that you would like to rid yourself of and focus on that one particular one. I think that it will be much more fulfilling and joyful for you at the end of the year to realize what you have accomplished instead of looking down a list of the myriad of things that you have not fulfilled.

3. Find a way to spend more time with your family

    The year 2020 has taken entirely way too much from us and now is the time to say 'No more!" We all need to find ways to spend time with our loved ones. Create a family game night, make Sunday lunches together a priority, or pencil in time on your calendar to call those relatives that live too far for you to drive. I don't need to say this, but I'm going to- Life is short.

4. Write a daily journal entry

    Get a notebook and a pen and commit to writing every single day. Choose a certain time of day and set it aside to write. Write about anything- your feelings, your day, your children, your spouse, use it as a prayer book...etc. I actually do this and I find it to be very relaxing and therapeutic to put my thoughts on paper. Sometimes they are silly and frivolous and sometimes they are revealing a very serious issue. Currently, at the time of the writing of this blog post, I have been journaling for approximately 452 days and I have nothing but good things to say about writing. I usually don't share my journal entries with anyone, but I wouldn't mind if someone read them. Some people are more private and that is totally ok.  I didn't always enjoy writing and you don't have to be a "good" writer to journal. What matters is that you are putting your thoughts on paper. I think those skeptics out there will be very surprised at what they can actually put on paper. 


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