Life Is Tough



 I have refrained from writing this editorial, but I need to get this off my chest. Agree or disagree with my opinion- that is the choice that you have. Maybe, we could even agree to disagree. That seems to be an idea that has been lost with time. 

I know many people who have suffered and are currently suffering from COVID-19. I have read countless opinions that individuals have posted about this virus on social media. It seems that everyone has an opinion on what I should or should not be doing with my life and my family's lives. So, I give you my opinion.

In 2017, I watched the strongest man that I have ever known knock on death's door. I vividly remember sitting on the bench outside my father's hospital room with my mother and sisters crying because dad was so incredibly sick. If cancer has touched someone close in your family, then you know the desperation and the exhaustion that it brings. I watched my mother care for my father day and night (she still does that). She went from being an always joyous person to a person who was quite depressed. Quite frankly, cancer took us all into a deep depression because it seemed as if there was always bad news. Dad's cancer was operable, thankfully, but there were many complications after his surgery. I think we all wanted him to be better immediately, but unfortunately, that was not the case.  If I told you that wasn't pure torture watching Dad suffer, I would be lying.

Many of you may have loved ones right now facing some of these same challenges. Life is tough. During that time, I began to make a myriad of changes to my life. Joseph and I had always attended church, but I began to realize that I was not in control of my life or my family members' lives. (I wrote an editorial about my controlling habits. See Normal Is Not) Instead of turning away from God, I turned towards Him. There were many times that I wanted to just lie in bed on Sunday mornings, but I dragged myself out of bed, dressed the children and we went to church.

One afternoon, I received a phone call from Eli's Sunday school teacher. She was calling to tell me that Eli had prayed for Dad during prayer time. She wanted to let me know that Eli fully understood who the Great Physician was and is. She said, “Hanna, Eli knows that God can heal your Dad.” That very same day, I began praying to have faith like Eli. 

I look around and I see churches closing their doors yet again because of precautions for COVID-19. There were many churches that were not opened for Easter and now here we are at Christmas and it appears a trend is emerging. These thoughts have crossed my mind a good bit over the last few months. Why is our answer to this virus to shut the doors of the church, yet still stock up on food and supplies at major corporate stores? To feed the body without feeding the soul leads to disaster.

It is "safe" for our children to go to school, but not safe to go to Sunday school. Why are we condemning local businesses for not wearing facial coverings on social media, but traveling out of state for Thanksgiving or hosting large fundraisers? 

 I understand that there are many people that are at a high risk of contracting this virus and it is deadly. I understand that our health care system is strained. Our mental health and soul care will also be strained if we close the doors of the church. I want to fellowship in Sunday school, I yearn for the nearness (six feet apart of course) of other believers to help sustain me in troubling times. 

This editorial is not a kick at anyone in particular, but I am disappointed in our leaders. We should be turning to God, not turning away from God. If going to church means that I have to wear a mask, I will do it. Continuing to run further away from God will not lead to anything good. Shutting the doors of God's house is not the answer to stop the spread of this virus. There are many things that can be solved by getting on our knees and praying. 

If My people, which are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14



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