Easy like Sunday Morning

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Lionel Richie must have had nannies or either no children at the time he penned the song, "Easy Like Sunday Morning." There are other days of the week that I would have chosen other than Sunday. 

Sunday mornings are not easy for my family. In fact, it is utter chaos at times. Sunday mornings at the McCain household go something like this. I wake up and grab a shower. Eli and Hub come running down the stairs asking what we are going to do. I reply, "We are going to do what we do every Sunday morning- go to church." 

I go upstairs and grab the boys' church clothes. I rub them both down in lotion and they complain the entire time. I spray them with cologne to make sure they smell good. Both of them trudge back up the stairs to brush their teeth. They slowly come back down because they do not want to wear the clothes that I have picked out for them to wear to church.

By this time I have either gotten my hair dried or my makeup on. Now, it is time to dress the cats or my children. Both boys complain like I am torturing them by putting pants, belts, button-down shirts, ties, socks, and shoes on their little bodies. They walk around stiff-legged and act as if they have never had clothes on before now. 

I race to either throw makeup on or either dry my hair. By the time we all get dressed, my husband and I have had to break up several fights. Hub is constantly getting on Eli's nerves or Eli is taking Hub's toys. You mamas know the routine. By this time, I can't wait to get to church! 

I know that it sounds like a lot to take in, but it is the stage of life that I am in right now. It's funny and sometimes stressful, but I know when I look back over my life in years to come, I will miss the bickering and the fussing over clothes and frivolous matters. 

Church is worth the fussing, arguing, and bickering. God has blessed my husband and me with two precious boys and it is one of our jobs to take them to God's house. It's not always easy to get there sometimes, but it is worth it. 

It's worth it when your children tell you about the Bible stories that they have learned about in Sunday School. It's worth it when you look down to see your 4-year-old singing during the worship service. It's worth it when you get to witness your child accept Christ as his Lord and Savior and be baptized. It's worth it.

A thought came into my head this morning, as I was running around getting ready for worship service, that it would just be easier and a lot less of a hassle if we just watched church on Facebook live. I wanted to give in to that temptation, but that is not what I believe God wants for my family. Hebrews 10:24-25 says, "and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together." 

Parents, we need to physically take our children to church. When the doors are open, we need to take them and show them how vital and important God is to us, especially during these troubling times. My children have questions that I do not have the answers to, but I know Who does and I trust in His plan. 

Schools are opening back up and it is so important that when the church doors are open so are our car doors opening to go to church. Run, because our children need to see their parents worship the Lord. If ever there was a time, now is that time. 

Regardless of what hoops or arguments you have to jump through to get to church, remember, it is worth it. 

Ann Landers wrote "12 Golden Rules to Raising Children" and number 12 has always resonated with me. It reads as follows: "12. Teach your child to love God and to love his fellow men. Don't send your child to a place of worship, take him there. Children learn from example. Telling him something is not teaching him. If you give your child a deep and abiding faith in God, it can be his strength and his light when all else fails."


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