Hub turns 5

My son, Hub, turns 5 years old today. We celebrated this past weekend with a birthday party. I always let my children choose the theme of their birthdays and this year Hub chose Spider-Man. 

Turning 5 years old is a big deal. Five year old boys are older, more mature, in other words, they don't need their Mamas walking them to their classrooms at school. 😞

It makes me sad and proud at the same time. We had so much fun celebrating Hub this past weekend. 

Usually, I do more decorating at birthday parties, but I just did not have the time to do much planning. Plus, with all the COVID-19 mandates, it made it really hard to plan and acquire Spider-Man decor. Apparently, Spider-Man is very popular. I was able to find the plates and napkins on Amazon. Haley Williams of Cups and Cakes, a local baker, baked the cake. It was delicious and perfect! 

Angelica Yarumi Ferguson baked the delicious cookies. 

Fun was had by all. There was lots of visiting going on and catching up. Both of my sisters and their children came and both sets of grandparents were there. 

I am so thankful for another year with Hub. He is such a joy to be around and I am so thankful God chose me to be his mother. 


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